Tagged: 2012

End of Season Update

Well, folks. The 2012 season has come and gone and, as you may have noticed, I pretty much stopped blogging midway through the season.  As it turns out, I suddenly was way over my photo allotment on this site (Thanks, WordPress!).  Without being able to upload photos, I felt that blogging about my further adventures was pretty pointless.

While I found myself with extra time (which came in handy since my wife and I adopted a dog in August), I sure do miss being a part of the blog community… I still read two blogs with regularity.  Those would be Zack Hample’s blog and Todd Cook’s blog.  So, I still get to learn about what other folks are up to and I enjoy going through the comments to see the branches of the ballhawking community extending through the blogosphere.

And I’m still keeping up with MyGameBalls.com, too.  All of my 2012 gamesd are updated there and you’ll notice that I started adding notes to each baseball that I snagged throughout the year.  Sort of like a mini-blog for each ball.  I ended up with 105 baseballs this season to bring my lifetime total to 490.  And I currently have a streak going… 121 games with at least one baseball pocketed as a souvenir!  Not too shabby for a guy who just started doing this in August of 2008.

Along the way I went to three different stadiums (none new) and snagged three new types of commemorative baseball: Dodgers, Orioles, and Red Sox.  I’m looking forward to the Astros being around in Anaheim often next season in hopes that I can snag an older 50th ball or an inaugural season ball (for their AL switch–if thosee exist).  Also, I ended up with quite a few autographs, both from mail-in submissions and in-person stuff.

I’ll be keeping the blog active but you’re not likely to see too many new posts from me going forward.  Keep checking MyGameBalls for details on my games, snags, and other cool stuff I might be up to, loyal readers.  Enjoy the off-season!

BallhawkFest: West Coast Edition – July 28th, 2012

Hi, everyone.

You may have heard about a little shindig.  Each year (starting last year) there’s a gathering of ballhawks at a Major League stadium known as BallhawkFest.  It’s more than just a bunch of folks who like to collect baseballs going to the same game though… it’s a whole day/night of activities!  This year, there will be two incarnations of this event.  Last year, in its inaugural form, BallhawkFest took place at Camden Yards on July 23rd.  This year, a different East Coast venue has been chosen… PNC Park (on June 9th).

But… after last year’s success and the interest of a bunch of people out here on the West Coast, Alan Schuster approached me with the following question: “Would you be interested in helping to put together a West Coast version?”  I was all over it–through a poll of some local ballhawks and discussions between Alan and I we established a date.  The first incarnation of BallhawkFest to hit California will take place at Angel Stadium on July 28th, 2012!

You can comment on here for more information or send me a direct e-mail.  Like last year’s festivities in Baltimore, there will be a baseball/softball game in the late morning, a luncheon at a local restaurant, and of course a huge afternoon/night of ballhawking.  The Angels/Rays game that night starts at 6:05pm… so the gates will open at 4:00pm and we’ll be there.

And we’re planning on T-shirts… similar to those used at last year’s festivities!  If you want to help plan, donate a raffle item, provide gear for the softball game, or help out in any way–just get in touch with me.  Last year’s event in Baltimore had about a dozen participants… I’m hoping for that many (or more) out here in California!

And if you’re planning on coming–get your tickets to the game ASAP… there’s a post-game concert that night after the game ends (Goo Goo Dolls, anyone?) so there’s going to be a sizable crowd.

Show some love in the comments section.  Are you coming?  Get ready for a day of friends from far and near and a whole lot of baseball snagging!

February Leaders Photo and Virtual Baseball

Hey, everyone.  I just noticed this on the front page of MLBlogs.  Who’s up in the top right corner?


I promise I’ll have my last two entries from the 2011 season up very soon.  Two more games comin’ before you sink your teeth into 2012.

ImageAnd also, my copy of MLB 12: The Show arrived in the mail yesterday.  Holy heck!  It’s pretty sweet.  Be sure to check it out if gamer + baseball fan = you.  I highly recommend it!