Too Many Photos?

In an interesting development, I’m over my quota for photos!
This message popped up on my account when I logged in recently: “Tip: You have uploaded 8 GB of files, exceeding your quota by 5 GB. Consider deleting some files to free up more space, or purchasing a space upgrade so you can upload more.”
As it turns out, a 10 GB upgrade costs 20 bucks PER YEAR! Yikes!  And I’m already at about 8GB of files… and the cap is at 3GB… so I would get upgraded to 13GB.  Or I could spend more money and get more space.
So, I’m a couple of entries behind, loyal readers, while I figure out what to do about this situation. I’d love to keep entertaining you with photos from my baseball journeys but I don’t really want to add X amount of bucks a year to my bills I have to pay… so… what to do?
I came up with a couple of ideas. Feel free to tell me what you think:
1. Go back through all my photos that I can and re-size them… I might be able to get back under the cap… but for how long? And that seems like it would be pretty time consuming.
2. Get a kickstarter campaign (or something similar) going… people donate a few bucks here and there so I can purchase an upgrade for my blog. Would anyone donate? I kind of hate to ask my readers for money–it seems kind of lame.
3. Move to a new blog… maybe a different MLBlog… or a different hosting site? I’d have to redirect my traffic… and may lose a lot of readers.
4. Continue blogging… but with no pictures. Would anyone be OK with that? This is fun for me–but it’s all about what keeps my blog visitors happy and returning for more.
Let me know if you’ve got other ideas, everyone. And thanks, as always, for reading.


  1. Mateo Fischer

    I read this when it first came out, but I think you should talk with someone at wordpress to see what you can do. I can’t see why a space upgrade would cost that much per year, unless you get that much more space every year. In any case, I would see what you can do. I personally would read entries without pictures, but I don’t know how many other people would, so I would see what you can do. Also, if you’re not blogging, how are we going to see what happened in BallhawkFest- West Coast Edition?

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